Friday, November 5, 2010

Vision Screening

For the past two days,  Audrey Novak, MS, of the Maryland Society for Sight has been here testing the vision of our children.  She has the patience of a saint and her gentle demeanor moved the children through the exercises with ease.    

 The older children used the E and told which direction it faced.

 For the younger children she used shapes for them to identify.
 Ms. Audrey even wore PURPLE on Friday when she came back to finish the exams.  Go RAVENS!


1 comment:

  1. Thank you to all the staff and parents who made our vsion screening event at New Rogers Ave. Day Nursery so successful. Ms. Ruth has supported and encouraged the program for many years and we have been successful in preventing vision loss in many children. I so enjoy coming to your site each year. Parents can be proud of their children for their cooperation.

    Audrey Novak
    Maryland Society for Sight


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